Shared Cloud SSD Hosting Powered by cPanel
Now with free domain for life and free website transfer on all plans
Features that brings maximum power to your website.
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Find the Answers to Common Inquiries
Which plan should I choose?
You can upgrade or downgrade your hosting plan anytime without downtime or service interruption. If you are not sure which plan will be most suitable for you, we recommend to start small and scale your way up. Anyway, if you are about to host a well-established website, we recommend going with the FastCloud Extra for an optimal experience.
How Unlimited Websites Hosting works?
Every shared hosting account has its own Control panel via which you can create and manage your website, emails and FTP accounts. The FastCloud Plus and FastCloud EXtra hosting packages provide you with an extra option to add additional domains and create independent websites managed via a single control panel without the need to purchase a second hosting package.
Will you suspend my account if I exceed my resources?
No, we do not suspend accounts for resource overuse. All clients can monitor their resource usage in real-time via the hosting account control panel. If your website requires more resources, our team will send you a notice with a detailed report and suggestions on how to optimize your website for better resource utilization or possible upgrade options.
Which plan should I choose?
You can upgrade or downgrade your hosting plan anytime without downtime or service interruption. If you are not sure which plan will be most suitable for you, we recommend to start small and scale your way up. Anyway, if you are about to host a well-established website, we recommend going with the FastCloud Extra for an optimal experience.
How Unlimited Websites Hosting works?
Every shared hosting account has its own Control panel via which you can create and manage your website, emails and FTP accounts. The FastCloud Plus and FastCloud EXtra hosting packages provide you with an extra option to add additional domains and create independent websites managed via a single control panel without the need to purchase a second hosting package.
Will you suspend my account if I exceed my resources?
No, we do not suspend accounts for resource overuse. All clients can monitor their resource usage in real-time via the hosting account control panel. If your website requires more resources, our team will send you a notice with a detailed report and suggestions on how to optimize your website for better resource utilization or possible upgrade options.
Need help? View the Full Plan Comparison or Contact our Hosting Experts.